Tag: mobility

New training offer: TICTAC – Multilateral Training Course to support quality in youth worker mobility activities under Erasmus+ Youth in Action

New training offer: TICTAC – Multilateral Training Course to support quality in youth worker mobility activities under Erasmus+ Youth in Action

The Star of Europe – Czech Republic

The Star of Europe – Czech Republic

Conferenza giovanile internazionale in Ungheria per giovani dai 18 ai 25 anni

Conferenza giovanile internazionale in Ungheria per giovani dai 18 ai 25 anni

Esperienza internazionale presso una delle istituzioni Ue🇪🇺

Esperienza internazionale presso una delle istituzioni Ue🇪🇺

The Learning Impact for You(th)!

A training course focused on increasing the impact of non-formal learning experiences of young people by sharing practical methods on how to support young people to reflect, record and communicate their learning…

“Erasmus+: più finanziamenti”

Il 15 febbraio, la Commissione europea ha adottato una revisione del programma di lavoro annuale Erasmus+ per il 2019, assegnando altri 251 milioni di euro al bilancio di 3 miliardi di euro già pianificato per l’anno, che saranno investiti nella mobilità per l’apprendimento e in una serie di progetti prioritari.

V International training: An Experiential approach to Wilderness Therapy

Asociación Experientia offers the 5th edition of their International Training: An Experiential Approach to Wilderness Therapy.

Joining the Dots Through Outdoor Activity! A Contact Making Seminar-Youth Exchanges

This is a contact making seminar for organisations looking to develop sustainable partnerships for Youth Exchanges involving young people with fewer opportunities.

Shape Your Landscape

A training course for youth workers on place-based education as a tool for empowering local community and fostering wellbeing of young people…

MENTOR plus – Improving mentorship in European Volunteering Projects

The main aim of the training is to increase the quality of mentoring in European Volunteering Projects and to support active mentors working with their volunteers…