The Learning Impact for You(th)!

The Learning Impact for You(th)!

DEADLINE: 29-03-2019


This activity will take place in Beaufort, Luxembourg from 25 to 30 May 2019.

This is a training course focused on increasing the impact of non-formal learning experiences of young people by sharing practical methods on how to support young people to reflect, record and communicate their learning.

Non-formal learning activities are particularly suitable for the development of competences and raising awareness of qualities.

The objectives of the training course are:

  • To explore learning processes and to identify what is needed to reflect, record and communicate learning;
  • To reflect on one’s own role as a youth worker, youth leader, mentor, coach or teacher in supporting the transfer of non-formal learning experiences into valuable insights and opportunities for development;
  • To explore the value of non-formal learning using Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges and European Solidarity Corps Volunteering;
  • To engage and learn about the Youthpass process;
  • To share together inspirational tools and methods.

What are you waiting for? Contact us if you need help with the application.