“Fight homophobia and ostracism against Roma, in the past and today”

“Fight homophobia and ostracism against Roma, in the past and today”

DEADLINE: 12-04-2019

Source: SALTO-YOUTH.net

Image: abroadship.org

This conference will take place in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia from 24 to 27 May 2019.


Context of the conference

Knowledge of the history of Europe is necessary to be able to interpret the different perceptions of current events.

In many totalitarian countries minorities were not considered of the perfect race, or did not fit into the ideology of the totalitarian societies. The Roma were seen by the Nazis as being inferior, they were not as good a human being as the superior race and in October 1939 all Roma were ordered to be sent to concentration camps. During this period, Roma were subjected to genocide and totally denied of their civil rights.

The conference will gather activists for the Roma issues, Roma and Non Roma politicians, historians, young people in order to discuss about the scope of democracy in the past and today, What are the educational tools and legal instruments at EU and national levels to fight racism and xenophobia, how to boost the Roma involvement into decision making process.

Aim and Objectives
The aim of the conference is to raise awareness about the Roma Holocaust and Human Rights Education stimulating the critical thinking and debate of young people, their reflection and understanding of history and antigipsysm.

Roma and non-Roma youth leaders, activists, multipliers, and volunteers who are working with young and/or Roma youth.

Participants should also:

be familiar with the situation and challenges of the Roma community in their country;
be motivated to develop their competences in advocacy, anti-discrimination work; human rights and to share their experiences with other participants;
be aged 18+;
be committed to attend for the full duration of the course;
be able to work in English;
be resident in one of the EU countries and of Balkan countries: North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro,Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.

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