Training for Trainers

Training for Trainers

DEADLINE: 20-05-20129



This training will take place in Moscow, Russian Federation from 2 to 9 June 2019.

We invite youth workers and youth leaders who would like to learn how to become a youth trainer to join the course – Training for Trainers.
The event is meant for youth workers who do not have any training experience or have only minimal experience in conducting trainings.
During this course will share all that with you. The training covers the following topics:

  • Coach work – what does it mean – being a coach? Participants will know about the features of this work and how to become a great trainer.
  • Coach skills – participants will learn the skills necessary to become a successful trainer. Resources for trainers – where coaches can find examples of trainings, where they can find needed tools other useful information essential for providing a high-quality training?
    Participants will be given information about the resources for trainers.
  • Job market for trainers – participants will learn about the working opportunities for trainers: where and how trainers can look for jobs as a trainer; how trainers can find the trainings to conduct; how to position yourself on a market in order to find customers and other topics related to job opportunities for trainers.
  • Practice – participants will have workshops where they will put theory into life. Session is based upon participants’ request – we would like to create the course as interactive as possible therefore we leave the room to conduct the sessions according your ideas.

Though the event aims on preparing the trainers for youth projects, we believe gained skills and knowledge could be also successfully applied in different fields of trainings such as business trainings, trainings on personal development. We believe successful youth trainers can develop themselves in the future and apply their knowledge in different fields.

The event is organized by the Netherlands Institute of Business.

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