Entrepreneurship Training Course within ‘Young Parents – Young Empowerment!’ Campaign

DEADLINE: 25-03-2019
Source: SALTO-YOUTH.net
Image: shutterstock.co
This training course will take place in Poltava, Ukraine from 13 to 20 July 2019.
Campaign dedicated to the empowerment of Young Parents to be competent in entrepreneurship and to reinforce the capacity of acting or potential trainers, teachers, mentors and youth workers in the youth domain through Training Courses and Conferences.
- To empower young parents to play an active role in the society development through increasing of the active parenting and entrepreneurship skills and competences.
- To reinforce the capacity of young parents as trainers, teachers, mentors, and youth workers within their communities.
- To create an online workspace for young families with preschool and primary school children (including mothers on maternity leave), for inclusion in the social life and the creation of active enterprising young parents community with the possibility to attract the attention of the potential customers through the Internet platforms.
- To share best practices, tips and the possibilities of creating a culture of active parenting.
Profile of the participants
Young parents who are youth/social workers, coaches/trainers/specialists, educators or youth leaders active within their organizations or communities, who use or want to use entrepreneurship competencies and/or entrepreneurship education in their professional or volunteer activities to reach positive social changes. Priority would be given to people who already started own business and have their product or service established.
We are looking for young parents during the prenatal period and after it, aged between 18-35 years old. We will invite 20 % of participants over 35 years to make a connection between newcomers and experienced people.
Priority to take part in the mobility would be given to those, who have fewer opportunities. We will invite representatives of the social and/or ethnic minorities (including people with disabilities).
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empowerment genitori giovani genitori parents Poltava Ucraina Ukraine young parents