War Games

War Games

DEADLINE: 30-04-2019

Source: Eurodesk Italy

Image: edtechreview.in

The course will take place in Sermugnano, a small village in central Italy, from the 22nd to the 30th of June 2019 (travel days included).

Would you like to explore games and discover the possibilities offered by Game-Based learning to develop brand new original educational games to foster political participation, leadershp, inclusion and non-violent communication? Then, the game is on!

“War Games” is the third edition, funded by the Erasmus+ programme and promoted by the Italian NGO Cooperativa Sociale Muovimente, of a training format on Game-Based Learning targeting primarily youth and social workers and educators. The project is a 8-days residential training course aimed at exploring games and gaming methodologies of different types and on different platforms and their direct application in educational activities.

The course will involve 22 participants and 3 trainers from 11 different European countries (Italy, Czech Republic, Ireland, Greece, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Hungary, Turkey and UK).


The objectives of the training course are:

• to explore games as a medium through history in their different expressions and forms (from traditional games, outdoors, social and role-playing games, to creativity expression exercises, to boardgames and video and digital games);

• to explore the possibilities offered by Game-Based learning to develop political participation, leadershp, inclusion and non-violent communication;

• to introduce tips and principles of “gamification” in education and training, and to discuss potential negative side effects;

• to empower and endow educators, trainers, youth and social workers and leaders with applicable tools to increase young people’s participation to political life, reduce radicalization and xenophobia and promote a less violent society.

The course will have a very experiential character. It will produce a toolkit of games that will be published and shared on open source platforms, and will focus on the immediate applicability and replicability of all the learning outcomes.

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