Re-centering weekend for female youth workers

DEADLINE: 17 April 2019
Seminar3-6 May 2019 | Kegums, Latvia
How can a woman in youth work stay connected to her center, creative energy, emotions and nature cycles? Re-centering weekend is a space of a sisterhood of female youth workers growing together and weaving a new pathway of non-formal education.
Non-formal education is a field where we could look for and find a more balanced way of working as female youth workers, one where we prioritize love, care and support for ourselves and others, where instead of competition we could create a space of cooperation among each other.
By joining Re-centering weekend, you will get the opportunity to:
▼ deeply connect with other women within the field of NFE, be seen and witnessed by them,
▼ release limiting beliefs and behavior patterns in your personal and professional life,
▼ find ways of reconnecting to yourself through various rituals,
▼ free your voice and train yourself to express yourself with ease,
▼ connect to the four elements of nature and your personality through dance,
▼ get in touch with your senses through body movement and self-care,
▼ live within a tribe of like-minded women who have answered the call just as you have,
▼ explore how to stay centered and in touch with your feminine energy in your youth work,
▼ create a way of living, working and being that is in integrity with your dreams, visions and values.
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